Big Ideas, Creative Designz

How can Project Management help your Social Media Campaign in 2021?

LOGOS ● BRANDING ● Project Management ● DIGITAL ILLUSTRATION ● Social Media

Case Study: How can Project Management help your Social Media Campaign

project-management featured image for case study


The  goal of this project was to create a social media campaign related to the medical field, specifically the topic on child abuse. The social media campaign would lead to a thorough interview with someone directly involved with child abuse and the different characteristics within our society. The client’s name is Sonia,  a medical student pursuing her Master’s at New England Institute of Technology

The Client

Sonia Johnson lives in Alabama she is taking all of her classes remotely. She just started her Master’s degree in the Public Health program at New England Institute of Technology in East Greenwich, Rhode Island. Even though there was a one hour time difference between us, she made sure to stay open for communication, and available for meetings. As she provided us with the weekly information for the topics, we created the visuals to match the message. In the beginning we wanted to keep it simple and introduce the topic by simply defining what child abuse is in today’s country. 

Project Execution

Suffering in silence logo design

Suffering in Silence: The Social Media Scope

With a project management mentality and structure my team and I created a social media campaign for the topic on child abuse called, Suffering in Silence: Child Abuse. The main goal was to attract people to a podcast that discussed the topic in length through an interview that was done by our client Sonia Johnson.

Nate Fox, a fellow designer and I were tasked to Project Manage Sonia Johnson’s social media campaign for her podcast, Suffering in Silence: Child Abuse. This podcast is about Sonia’s interview with Vanessa Holden a professional in healthcare with experience in the medical field in relation to child abuse. 

  • We began our planning by first introducing ourselves via a Zoom meeting. 

  • We also created a client interview to find out more information about her, the topic, and the podcast. 

  • Nate and I created a Charter to provide a formal authorization in the project.

Nate and I were tasked to create the look, feel, and attention towards the social media accounts to attract people to the podcast. I really enjoy creating branding and marketing materials so I decided that  I would design the logo.

Logo Creation: Standing up to Child Abuse

I created the #logo to reflect how a parent should love their child and how it reflects the emotion in the parent and the child symbolized by hearts. I chose the color based on what child abuse is represented by. We placed the logo across all of the designs to stay consistent within our posts.

The social media platforms that we decided to use were:

We decided to break up the social media posts by specific dates and the topics that were discussed in the interview shown below in the timing and action calendar:

Project Management: Social Media Post Schedule

Timing and Action Calendar

Timing and action Key

Project Management: Roadblocks

Suffering in Silence: Roadblocks to Success image

No project will ever run perfectly smooth, there will be hiccups along the way. Even though the communication and critiques during this project were great, we still had some minor adjustments on how we wanted to pursue the message of the social media campaign. The main topic changed slightly in the first couple of weeks, which in turn made it somewhat difficult to create our proposal or our campaign moving forward. Once the main topic was worked out and fine tuned it, the rest fell into place as each week passed. We followed the tradition #marketingconversionfunnel in order of keeping things organized and on the right track in order to attract the target audience.

Social Media Campaign: Solutions


To provide the information and resources to parents, children, and those in childcare jobs and duties.

Suffering in Silence: what is child abuse post featured image
Suffering in Silence: Types of Child Abuse Instagram post image


The importance of education is crucial for the forward movement of progress towards the prevention of child abuse. Our social media campaign informs those who do not know the seriousness of how important it is to be able to understand the effects these abusive actions have when children become adults. 


Prevention will only work if both the awareness and the education succeed. Prevention comes to life with the awareness of knowing what is considered to be child abuse and what its repercussions are. To add, combining the education to further close the knowledge gap necessary to teach what is right and what is wrong regardless of the ignorance. Prevention is possible with constant practice while also passing on the message.

Suffering in Silence: Child abuse infographic

Client Feedback

“I think you both did a great job on the project overall, especially in communicating with me. There were a few times where scheduling conflicts got the best of us, but we made due with what times we could meet. The google document thing was kinda confusing because I had trouble opening it sometimes. In the future, I would probably choose a better platform to use for viewing/sharing documents. I think you both completed your duties accurately and delivered on what was promised. The graphics for every aspect of this assignment were great and the chemistry between you guys meshed well. The editing of the audio in the podcast saved me from total embarrassment. Jose you took the opportunity to join our class to get a better understanding of what we were learning. Hopefully it benefits you in the future. I look forward to working with you both at a later date and time.”

-Sonia Johnson

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